Another Testing Day

The week of preparatory tests continued today, designed to make sure I am healthy enough to go through with the transplant. That's really all that happened today. For the Too Much Information Crowd, today's list of tests follows:

It started a 8am with quick CT-scans of my sinuses and my chest.

Then a pulmonary function test. They sat me in a large clear plastic chamber and asked me to take the deepest breaths I could and then exhale as fully as I could while the technician shouted "Not yet, not yet, not yet, ok," much too slowly!

Then it was on to a cardiac echo. This technician irritated me, because I irritated him, since I was unable to lie on my left side due to my healing(?) collarbone.
Hey, we do what we can do!

Next up was an EKG. This should have been quick, but the technician was a bit confused with a new machine she used and after my suggestion called in someone to help. She did have one very useful idea: she used alcohol wipes to remove the stick-on leads on my chest. It saved the pain of pulling out hair.

Then finally a full skeletal x-ray survey with 14 separate x-rays.
I think I will glow in the dark tonight!

Tests continue tomorrow!


  1. Glow in the dark could be pretty cool. You'd serve as your very own night light!


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