
Showing posts from December, 2017

Running out of Options

My treatment with Daratumumab has been severe and and yet not working. This blog was supposed to be about the transplant.  It is likely that these drugs, to get my myeloma under control, my not get me to the transplant. We should know more this Tuesday after another appointment with my oncologist.

Another Postponement

As you may recall from the previous post (August 14). We went to Baltimore today to consult with my myeloma physician. In mid November we received some more unsettling news, and as before tempered with a way forward. It seems that once again my blood test numbers indicated that the level of disease in my marrow was too high for a stem cell transplant to have the best chance of success, at this time. The two newer, and stronger Two of the chemotherapy drugs that I have been taking ( Kyprolis  and  Pomalyst ) have, after three months, stopped working at controlling my disease. My physician advised that we shift to two even newer, stronger medications . These medications are taken for three weeks and then off for a week. This is called a cycle. My stem cell transplant is now postponed until these new medications can get my myeloma more under control. This could mean two or three cycles, making my transplant more likely for mid to late December or early January. Thank ...
The summer chemo , that I had mentioned in August, failed to control my myeloma. I will soon start new chemo, actually a monclonal antibody called Daratumumab , in hopes of controlling the myeloma so that I can proceed towards the stem cell transplant. Too Much Information I had a bone marrow biopsy this past August. It showed a level of disease in my blood that was too great to give the transplant the best chance of success. The transplant was postponed and new chemo prescribed for the next three months in hopes of better controlling my myeloma . From September through November I would be taking Kyrolis , Pomalyst , and Dexamethasone . Kyprolis hit me hard. My wife says it "kicked my butt!" with exhaustion, fatigue, and lack of energy for 2 to 3 days after second of each week's two Kyprolis infusions. In the end it didn't work! After this round of months of Kyrolis, Pomalyst, and Dexamethasone, I again went to Baltimore for another attempt at the b...